Def firstChars( word ):
if( word ): # make sure word has characters
print( word[ 0 ] ) # print the first character (Python 3 syntax)
4. A Denial of Service attack (DDOS attack).
A DDOS attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic to a service.
In essence, it sends an enormous amount of requests to the service, until the server is overwhelmed because it can't handle that much traffic, and collapses in an overflow.
Thus, regular users are not able to access their services.
Usually, attackers use a botnet, a network of "zombie" computers that have been previously infected with a malware that allows the attacker to remotely control them, then the botnet starts to send a flood of traffic from different locations, and make the attacker difficult to detect or track.
Use a random number and control structure to decide which letter is displayed.
Answer and Explanation:
Var firstNumber=prompt("please enter first number");
Var secondNumber=prompt("please enter second number");
Var thirdNumber=prompt("please enter third number");
Var numberTotal=firstNumber+secondNumber+thirdNumber;
Function calculateNumbers(){
return numberTotal;
return int(numberTotal/3);
return firstNumber*secondNumber*thirdNumber;}