The hanseatic league was set up throughout Italy to ____ thieves and pirates ?
Answer - Protect merchants from
Some Canadians feared that their workers might receive lower wages with the passage of NAFTA.
Answer: THE ANSWER IS human develoment
DUE to widespread casual attitudes and mistaken beliefs among teens about human develoment, public health officals....
Answer: The goods have a better quality
The quality of a product is down to how well and painstakingly the producer takes his time to work on what he's selling. An organization which invests much more time into productivity will offer a better product than that which offer lesser time to producing. When more time is involved in productivity, the customer gains with a quality product.
A state senator term last exactly either 2 or 4 years. I depends on the state.
12 states have a two year term
And 31 states have 4 year terms
Hopefully this helped