Answer: Rhinoceros
Odd-toed ungulates include the horse, the tapir, and the rhinoceros.
Ozone would be the secondary pollutant because it is caused when two primary pollutants react. Hope this helps!
Polar cell: - occur 60 and 90-degrees from the equator, near the north and south poles. - associated with high pressure zones and low precipitation. what is the interaction between Ferrell and Polar cell circulation?
B) Around 300 million years ago, the regions where coal formed were located in tropical climates that were partially submerged on the coasts
The distribution of the world's major coal reserves supports the the theory of plate tectonics because the regions where they formed were in tropical climates around 300 million years ago.
Coal is a fossil fuel used to produce energy when burnt.
They are formed in tropical swamps where there is luxuriant plants life.
To form a coal, a terrain such as swamp must have rich plant life. The plant is rapidly buried and cut off from the oxic environment. Further burial under heat and pressure transforms the plant matter into coal.
- The major reserves of coal in the world today is found in Europe and North America
- These are temperate regions whose conditions do not favor the formation of coal.
- Those regions must have moved from around the equator to their present day position.
- The coal formed when they were much closer to the equator around 300 million years ago.
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Sea floor spreading
TMV is not an additional hazard for smokers because the humans are not within the range of hosts of the TMV virus and so the humans cannot be infected. The Tobacco Mosaic Virus is actually a single stranded RNA virus that infects a wide variety of plants and especially the tobacco plants. The main signal is the discoloration of the leaves of the plants.