It has an average of 10 mm of rain but in September there is exactly 50 mm of rain .Which means that in September there are 2 inches of rain so the average rate of rain is 1-0 inches.
But it is usually dry , really dry.
I really hope that this helps you out a lot.Have a nice day .
The media's ability to determine what people know about their government is called selection bias (A).
Selection bias is the result of a medium's abiliy to restrict how much or which data it considers and publishes. The information released to the public is therefore biased in the sense that since it lacks randomization and variety, the subject of the information (in this case, the government) is not depicted in a representative way.
Air rises at the equator, leading to low pressure and rainfall. Global atmospheric circulation creates winds across the planet and leads to areas of high rainfall, like the tropical rainforests, and areas of dry air, like deserts.
Answer: what it's mean I guess lol
D. magnetic polarity reversals
The marine magnetic anomalies are the result of two things; the seafloor spreading at the mid-ocean ridges and the magnetic polarity reversals.
The mid-ocean ridges are the places where the new crust forms. This places also have big influence on the magnetic anomalies, with the reason being that the magnetism has higher influence in this parts.
Also, the magnetic polarity reversals play a big role. The Earth has not always had the same magnetic polarity, and multiple times throughout its past the North and South Poles have been switching places when it comes to the magnetism.
The igneous rocks on the ocean floor have proof in them about this, as the metallic components are reacting to the magnetism and face toward the stronger magnetic field.