When there is no sunlight and they undergo cellular respiration
Plants respire to get energy like animals. In this chemical process, glucose food breaks down in the presence of oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water with the release of energy. See the diagram below
I hope this helps!
A Negative stain such as India ink or Congo red-Look for the presence of a capsule.
This stain method is usually used to stain the area around the microorganism.
B The Gram stain-Divide bacteria into two groups based on cell wall structure (thick vs. thin).
This is type of differential staining used to distinguish organisms based on their staining properties. Gram + and Gram- bacteria stain different because of different cell wall structure.
C The Ziehl-Neelsen Acid-fast stain- Identify bacteria with waxy cell walls such as: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (the cause of TB).
This is also differential staining method which uses heat and phenol to derive dye into the cells with lipid-rich walls.
D Simple stain with a basic dye-Stain microbes a bright color to make it easier to see them in bright field microscopy.
One dye is used in simple staining in order to determinate the size, shape and arrangement of the cells.
E The Schaeffer-Fulton Endospore stain-Identify Bacillus or Clostridium species, such as the causative agents of anthrax, botulism, tetanus and gangrene.
This is a special type of staining only used for the bacteria that can form endospores. Bacteria are first treated with heat and then with malachite green, which is very strong stain that can penetrate endospores.
The answer is; B
Meristem cells are totipotent meaning they can differentiate to any type of plant cells. Therefore they can produce a variety of plant type depending on epigenetic. However, tissue culture is derived from already differentiated cells. Therefore these cells are already determined and can only produce cell type of that plant from which they were derived.
Transamination reaction:
Transmaination reaction may be defined as a type of chemical reaction that involves the transfer of an amino group to the another keto acid fort the formation of new amino acid. The non essential amino acid can be easily converted to essential amino acid by this transmination reaction.
This reaction is important for the important mteabolic pathways of the body. The cofactor required for the transamination reaction is pyridoxal-5'-phosphate. This cofactor also works as a derivative of vitamin B6. This cofactor is converted to pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate during the reaction.