there are many different nutrients our body can't produce, such as: omega-3,
vitamins, and minerals, just to name a few. But, I feel water would be your best answer. Yes, I know, surprising, but true.
Muscular Strength Exercise
Muscular Strength excercises use weights and Randy is using weights in his excercises.
C. passing out flyers foe your upcoming garage sale.
A. "I would like to know why you came home late without calling me."
Statement A, "I would like to know why you came home late without calling me.", is the best example of an assertive communication technique that expresses the concerns of the client in an honest and straightforward way without sounding rude, aggressive or jumping into conclusion quickly. In this way, the right of the other person would be respected while the client expresses his. The rest statements given as examples contain words that suggest aggression, such as “hate”, “angry”.