Volcanos spew, ava volcano ash and gases into the environment. this is an effect on the local energy
Which abiotic factor most likely controls where the plants live in this environment ?
Oxygen levels for aquatic animals
Oxygen from the air and oxygen produced by aquatic plants dissolves in water. Without this, aquatic animals would suffocate and die. Healthy lakes and rivers have high levels of oxygen, and polluted waters often have low levels of oxygen. This pollution means that only certain species can survive there such as sludgeworms. These are bioindicator species because their presence or absence informs us about the condition of the habitat.
Carbon dioxide levels for plants
Carbon dioxide is a reactant in photosynthesis which means plants need it to survive. Areas with higher levels of carbon dioxide are more likely to have healthy plants growing. Farmers often release carbon dioxide within their greenhouses to maximise their crop yield. Woodlands often have higher carbon dioxide levels than open grassland, so many plants living in open areas have evolved mechanisms to overcome a shortage of carbon dioxide.
how do you want me to label it
The pattern of change in CO₂ concentration is new plant growth in the spring increases photosynthesis rates, which lowers CO2 concentrations; this decline continues until autumn, when leaves fall and decompose, raising CO2 concentrations.
The level of carbon dioxide within the surroundings rises and falls every 12 months as plant life, thru photosynthesis and respiration, absorbs the gas in the spring and summer season, and launches it in fall and wintry weather. Now the range of that cycle is expanding as extra carbon dioxide is emitted from burning fossil fuels and different human activities.
In spring, flora in the Northern Hemisphere starts to develop and absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, so atmospheric CO2 attention decreases as the road dives down. In fall, flora starts to decay and release their CO2 again into the ecosystem, so atmospheric CO2 attention increases the line shoots up. plants are accumulating carbon within the spring and summer while they are lively, and they're liberating carbon again to the air in the fall and winter.
Learn more about patterns that occur here:-https://brainly.ph/question/6286565
nutrients are recycled, but energy is not
In the flow of energy, the sun represents the maximum source of energy and this energy is converted into other forms, a transformation process where energy is not recycled but transformed into other forms. Already the flow of nutrients in an ecosystem occurs through biochemical cycles, where nutrients are used and recycled to be reused.