In the past when a civilization lost a war the symbols and buildings of the culture were destroyed by the winning party. One of the things often broken was statues because they were often of rulers or gods from that culture. Actually, there is about an equal number for both cultures of destroyed items. It just seems that Greek items are around more because they are large marble statues that are uncovered in digs of historical sites
Diese politische Karikatur von 1924 zeigt, wir die SPD-Politiker Philipp Scheidemann (vorne mit Dolch) und Matthias Erzberger (dahinter), den Soldaten "in den Rücken fallen". Mit derDolchstoßlegende sollte die Schuld an der Niederlage des Deutschen Reiches im Ersten Weltkrieg auf die Sozialdemokraten abgewälzt werden
He would be 261!!!!!!! :))))))