Repetition usually tells us that the someone wants a large emphasis on this word: that it has a significant meaning to them, and/or possibly the whole tale itself.
This can be different for each person you ask
one reason is you can play the book out how you want to, imagine the characters your way, what the place looks like, etc. With a movie that is taken away from you. You are told how everything looks, and the movie/TV van leave out many stuff from the book
Sylvia runs home with dollar signs in her eyes but realizes that she physically can't "tell the heron's secret and give its life away" (2.13). It's never explicitly stated why she does this, but we'd peg her obvious love of nature as Exhibit A and her intense experience atop the oak tree as Exhibit B (for more on this tree experience, check out the "Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory" section—there's more there than meets the eye).
Although Sylvia remains in the forest, she never forgets the hunter, nor is she ever quite sure that she's made the right choice. Although Sylvia is a proto-hippie country gal at heart, she knows that the hunter represented a very different path her life could've taken, and as the story ends, she still wonders where it might have taken her. It doesn't exactly reek of regret, but seems more like a sort of forlorn daydream about what might have been. But hey—we all do that sometimes.
A- Robert <u>polished</u> his saddle.
If you take out "his saddle", the sentence does not make sense. Taking out "for the wagon", the sentence will still make sense. If you can take out the word(s) that the verb is applying to (what is Robert doing, he's polishing his saddle), and if the sentence does not make sense, then it is a transitive verb.