The main crisis and situation of this story was when Jerry decides he wants to be able to swim through the tunnel with the other boys, but he doesn't know if he can make it. After he shows the boys he has the guts to jump off the rock, he wants to prove that he is man enough to swim through the tunnel in the rock. Although, the boys cannot actually communicate with Jerry, he has a sort of mind set that he needs to accomplish this feat in order to maintain his pride. Jerry knew at first, that he would not be able to swim throughout the tunnel without taking a breath of air, so he did exercises that resolved his problem. Jerry convinced his mother to buy him goggles, which he needed to see where the tunnel begins. On the day before Jerry and his mother were leaving for home, Jerry decided that it was the time to show what he was made of, and swim through the tunnel. He prepared himself, and dived. At first he felt like an "inflated balloon", he could hold his breath forever, but as the tunnel became darker and eerie, he started to panic and lose his control. Jerry kept swimming and counting the seconds, until he came to a point with a darkness up ahead and no more oxygen left in his system. He thought he was going to die. Finally, Jerry saw a light in the distance, and he swam to the surface. Although his nose was bleeding, and he was in extreme pain, Jerry has proved to himself what he was capable of.
Explanation: I know this answer is pretty long but it gives a bit more detail then an actual summary