Class versus individual characteristics: glass and tool marks versus fingerprints, hair and blood is an example of it. The items listed are things that are going to be mentioned in the chapter, which I think will present information that can help us understand criminal investigation better. We are going to learn how much Forensic files and DNA evidences are important in some criminal cases, as well as how all of the above data is collected in a crime scene.
I think you have done good work here, jeremy.
Answer: Martin Luther King Jr
Explanation: In my opinion I would bring back Martin Luther King Jr back because he is a perfect role model for people. Also he has done so much good. I would definitely now of days because of all the black lives matter movement and racism.
1. underline directions circle mall
2. underline lean circle tree
3. underline underneath circle missing library book
4. underline beside him circle her hand
5. underline arrived circle teacher? (not so sure)
6. underline through circle trees
7. underline in circle miniature train
8. underline in circle the Till whatever that name is
9. underline wrote circle the name of the song
10. underline noisy bird circle the roof.
not so sure about some of the last ones kinda hard
but a preposition is telling where something is
think of it like a position
tells where something is
It's an adpositional phrase