Entity/ helpless orientation
According to Carol Dweck's, entity or helpless orientation is related to the idea that intelligence is developed as a result of experience. Depending on the level of success or failure, intelligence is going to be higher or less, and it's also connected to the amount of effort that is dedicated to such endeavors.
Not to be rude but got to be honest
Smile it bring the cute in people
and I want your eyes here let’s trade
A highly successful strategy for challenging the beliefs and attitudes that contribute to health disparities is practicing mindfulness.
<h3>Mindfulness and Behavior Change:</h3>
The majority of chronic medical and psychiatric problems are treatable and avoidable with the help of behavior modification, which must be started and maintained. The development of mindfulness, which entails accepting and not passing judgment on the experience of the moment, frequently yields transformational alterations in health behavior.
The significance of neural systems in learning and motivation is significant. Them is necessary to develop a theoretical framework for mindfulness that incorporates these mechanisms together with the frequently discussed cognitive, emotional, and self-related processes and applies them to changing health behavior.
In order to understand the complex effects of mindfulness on behavior change, this integrative review (1) defines mindfulness and describes the mindfulness-based intervention movement, (2) synthesizes the neuroscience of mindfulness and integrates motivation and learning mechanisms within a mindful self-regulation model, and (3) synthesizes recent clinical research.
Learn more about mindfulness here:
Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is caused by number of factors. Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities, depletion of precious resources are few of the causes which results in overpopulation. It is possible for a sparsely populated area to become densely populated if it is not able to sustain life.
Growing advances in technology with each coming year has affected humanity in many ways. One of these has been the ability to save lives and create better medical treatment for all. A direct result of this has been increased lifespan and the growth of the population. In the past fifty or so years, the growth of population has boomed and has turned into overpopulation. In the history of our species, the birth and death rate have always been able to balance each and maintain a population growth rate that is sustainable.