Prolonged and constant use of tobacco can weaken the user's immune
system and increase the risk of many diseases.. . Which of the following
diseases can makes the air sac in the lungs less elastic, reducing their ability to absorb oxygen?.
The fat is blended into the flour more thoroughly, until the mixture looks like coarse cornmeal.
Accepting responsibility can influence effective communication by allowing you to control your temper and not blame everything on someone else.
It is simply about the awareness of emotions.
Emotional intelligence is the capability to find and manage our own emotions, also the other's emotions.
Emotionally intelligent people,
- Can address the concerns, needs as well as conflicts in a straight forward manner.
- Can understand others need and emotions by listening or seeing their emotions and approaching them in positive and creative way so that the problem gets solved easily and accurately.
- Can get rid of bad moments easily by managing it in a proper way.
a preference is not a barrier