<h2>Nuclear Envelope</h2>
- <em>The endomembrane system</em> includes the nuclear envelope, the <em>endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi mechanical assembly, lysosomes, vesicles, just as the plasma layer</em>
- These cell parts cooperate to <em>alter, bundle, tag, and transport layer lipids and proteins </em>
- The nuclear envelope is a double membrane, implying that there are <em>two lipid bilayers</em>
- The nuclear lamina, a netlike cluster of <em>protein filaments, associates the layers of the nuclear envelope</em>
Descenso común describe cómo en biología evolutiva un grupo de organismos comparte un ancestro común más reciente. Hay evidencia de descendencia común de que toda la vida en la Tierra desciende del último ancestro común universal.
Vacuole, cell wall, and chloroplast.
I don't know if this helps or not but you would want to know the age of the rock (absolute dating) and from there you will be able to know the age of the fossil and what caused it to die.
Cell membrane, Organells, flagella