If you plan to remove several components from the computer, it is best to save a back up files just so some files won't be lost and if you have ever corrupted your file. Another thing is to safely turn off your computer and have yourself provide pictures or to remember the cables that are placed in each switch before having to remove several components.
The products of anaerobic respiration are lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and water.
The cell membrane holds the cell's internal contents from its environment.
The cell membrane is comprised of two layers of fat.
The cytoplasm is a liquid in which the various organelles of the cell are suspended.
The cytoplasm keeps organelles in place. It also allows different materials to flow from one organelle to another.
The nucleus of a cell contains genetic material. DNA, RNA and mitochondria replicate in the nucleus. The nucleus also produces and replicates proteins, and sends the proteins to other parts of the cell.
I hope this helped
The Nucleolus helps function the cell.