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A written legal code would be am improvement over an oral set of laws because citizens may forget laws, depending on how much there are. Having them written, where everyone can read it, may help them better understand and remember the acts/laws.
Psychology articles
For the first time, journal article reporting guidelines for qualitative psychology research are laid out in this open-access publication from American Psychologist.
The optional standards are intended to assist writers in honestly, openly, and clearly communicating their work.
The revised criteria, which were created by a working committee of the APA Publications and Communications Board, outline what should be said in reports on qualitative research, mixed-methods research, and qualitative meta-analyses.
They encompass a variety of reporting styles, qualitative traditions, and methodologies.
The article outlines these standards and their justification explains how they vary from quantitative research reporting standards and explains how authors, reviewers, and editors might apply them. advertising job openings.
Learn more about Psychologist here
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