Sorry this is a typing test, too pysical for online help as for the words and time limit to reinforced learning, if content is the issue grab an article or paper and type that.
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backup; recovery
Backup and recovery refers to the process of backing up data in case of a loss and setting up systems that allow that data recovery due to data loss. Backing up data requires copying and archiving computer data, so that it is accessible in case of data deletion or corruption. Data from an earlier time may only be recovered if it has been backed up.
Data backup is a form of disaster recovery and should be part of any disaster recovery plan.In some cases, backing up or restoring entire systems, or the enterprise, after an event or disaster can take days
<u>Syntax of function in the Python Programming Language.</u>
def function_name():
'''body of the function or code'''
#calling of the function
Note: In Python Programming Language, Indentation is sensitive if you not focus on the indentation then, you program occurs an indentation error.
In Python Programming language, we can use the "def" keyword to define a function then we write the name of the function and then use parentheses for the argument list. "#" is used for the single-line comment and " ''' ''' " is used for the multiple line comment.
A function is the part or module of the program which provides users the feature of reusability of that code anywhere only by calling them.