Answer: Parasites
Both tapeworms and lice depend on a living host to survive. The relationship between the parasite, tapeworm or lice, isn't mutual. The parasite only benefits from the relationship, because the host provides them with plenty of nutrients. In some cases, tapeworms and lice can carry diseases and infect the host. So, there is your answer and goodluck!
When your heart rate speeds up, you usually get hotter and start sweating, when you are exercising. This might take hours for you to realize because it happens so slowly. Fluid flows and your bloodstream goes a lot smoother, which can help lower the chances of blood clots. This is all because of a warm-up.
Answer : The four psychological factors that affect how well a person adheres to an exercise program are;
1) Self motivation with self-awareness - When a person becomes aware about his health and body he starts working for it to maintain and keep themselves fit. Self motivation will help the person to continue the habit of exercising.
2) Personal Goal Setting - This is one of the important point for setting an individual goal for exercise and achieve that state of physical fitness freedom.
3) Self - efficacy - It is the time when a person will overcome barriers in physical exercises and will gain the boost and confidence to perform exercise with proper dedication, which will avoid relapse.
4) Physical activity environment - If the person who is undergoing daily training for physical fitness will perform better, because the surrounding environment will encourage that individual to stay motivated and achieve their fitness goal.
The most important amongst all is self-motivation, without which no individual can adhere to the regime and achieve their fitness goal.
No recomiendo ningún tipo de psicología que sea online, remota o a distancia, dado que la psicología como tal requiere de un contacto cotidiano entre el profesional y el paciente, es decir, de sesiones presenciales en las que el profesional pueda evaluar íntegramente al paciente y sus afecciones íntimas. De otra manera, es decir, si el psicólogo no pudiese evaluar en forma presencial a su paciente, se producirían grandes modificaciones en la percepción del profesional respecto de la situación de su paciente, lo que podría conducir a un diagnóstico erróneo, que podría afectar negativamente la eficiencia del tratamiento y, en última instancia, la salud mental del paciente.