Device management is the process of managing the devices in your computer.
In your computer you have the so-called device manager, in which all the drivers of your devices are installed. Device Manager allows you to monitor and manage each of its devices. You can also uninstall and update your devices in device manager. And the process of doing it is called device management. It is very simple to do this kind of stuffs as long you are familiar with your devices like mouse, printer, keyboard, etc.
This is to much work for 5 points cmon
They are based on 10 digits.
I’m not sure.
The most straight forward way to do it: in general string are zero index based array of characters, so you need to get the length of the string, subtract one and that will be the last character, some expressions in concrete languages would be:
In Python:
name = "blair"
name[len(name) - 1]
In JavaScript:
name = "blair"
name[name.length - 1]
In C++:
#include <string>
string name = "blair";
name[name.length() - 1];
A function with out parameters cannot take any arguments or perform operations on variables passed in. A function with parameters can.