The diagram is missing in the question. It can be found in the following link: <em> › admin › quiz › 566b055c5cbcd49e2dd0fed1 › earth.</em>
The fossil evidence found in these sedimentary layers best implies that animals evolved bony skeletons after shells
Fossil is not only describing when organism lived, but it also gives information about the “progression and evolution of life” on this earth over millions of years. Fossils also give information that previous life in earth is different from present life.
According to evolutionist around 500 million years ago complex internal skeleton organism came into existence. They told fish had firstly evolved and they dominated the sea. Fossilization is very rare process.
The organism should be name as bacteria.
Peptidoglycans is the characteristics features of bacterial cell its absent in cell wall of archaea, fungi and plant cell. Bacteria can also make amino acids. There are some bacteria who can prepare their own food in the presence of sunlight, i.e purple phototrophic bacteria, green sulphur bacteria, green filamentous bacteria etc. these bacteria contain photosythertic pigments called bacteriochlorophyll.
Deforestation is one major concern with harvesting wood. There are also all types of organisms that lose their habitats.
Un terremoto con la misma magnitud y profundidad podría causar daños drásticamente diferentes dependiendo de la vulnerabilidad de la exposición. Por ejemplo, un terremoto M6 en California o Japón podría causar muy poco daño debido a las estrictas disposiciones sísmicas de los códigos de construcción. Mientras se encuentre en un país del tercer mundo, el daño podría ser catastrófico y se podrían perder millones de vidas.
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To reduce water loss.
Keeping the stomata closed during the day, helps reduce water loss when dry, hot wind blows across it.