You can probably refresh or log out or something.
C. Symptoms of malware mutation
They are signs that could indicate that ones system is infected by virus.
Such signs includes:
1.Slow booting or startup.
2.Low space storage.
3.Blue screen of death.
4.Slow Internet performance.
5.Sending of spam messages.
6.Disabled security.
7.Browsing error.
8.Pop-up messages.
9.Renaming of files.
10.Loss of certain files, music, messages, etc.
Gray isn't a color to be exact it a shade or what some people call it a shadow just like black but if you add more gray to a look lets say RED it will make it kinda faddy and more darker then it was
I think it is the model ET-2. Not quite sure.
See explaination
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void getName(string);
void getPin(int,int);
void displayMenu(int);
string name;
int pin1, pin2, ch ;
int main()
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
displayMenu(ch );
void getName(string name)
cout << "Enter your name: ";
cin >> name;
if (name = "AXBY") || (name != "ABGSHY"))
void getPin(int pin1, int pin2)
string name;
if (name == "AXBY")
cout << "Please Enter Pin: ";
cin >> pin1;
if (pin1 != 4433)
cout << "Pin incorrect please try again!";
cin >> pin1;
if (name == "ABGSHY")
cout << "Please Enter Pin: ";
cin >> pin2;
if (pin2 != 2849)
cout << "Pin incorrect please try again!";
cin >> pin2;
void displayMenu(int ch )
cout << "[1] Check your account Balance\n"
"[2] Withdraw funds\n"
"[3] Deposit funds\n"
"Please Enter Choice: ";
cin >> ch ;
if (ch != 1 || ch != 2 || ch != 3)
cout << "Choice is incorrect, enter choice now: ";
cin >> ch ;