Depends if it's not working the first time then u click it twice but normally you click it once
new_segment = [ ]
for segment in segments:
new_segment.append({'name': segment, 'average_spend': money})
print( new_segment)
Using list comprehension:
new_segment =[{'name': segment, 'average_spend': money} for segment in segments]
Using map():
def listing(a):
contain = {'name': segment, 'average_spend': money}
return contain
new_segment = [ ]
new_segment.append(map( listing, segment))
The python codes above create a list of dictionaries in all instances using for loop, for loop in list comprehension and the map function which collect two arguments .
More than one contact can be added to the group at a time.
<span>The document is called as Project schedule. this document contains the tasks that needs to be performed, the time that is given to the perform the task, the target dates. It also contains the budget of the project and the budget can be represented task wise. This helps in performing the project in a more organized way.</span>
<span>The part of the computer that provides access to the internet is the "modem".
A modem refers to a hardware device that enables a PC to send and get information over a phone line or a link or satellite association. On account of transmission over a simple phone line, which was at one time the most prevalent approach to get to the internet, the modem changes over information amongst simple and computerized designs progressively for two-way network communication.