Around 3300 BC the Sumerians began to use picture symbols marked into clay tablets to keep their records. Writing was inscribed on clay tablets. Scribes would take a stylus (a stick made from a reed) and press the lines and symbols into soft, moist clay.
The ancient Egyptian civilization was greatly impacted by the Black land.Basically, the ancient Egypt was based on the river Nile. The civilization formed on the bank of river Nile. Because the annual flooding of the river used to bring a ton of fertile layer of soil which was very much needed for the agriculture.
However, the black land was the soil and land along the bank of river Nile .Especially after the flood of Nile in each year the soil used to get extremely fertile which helped the ancient Egyptians for setting up their civilization on the bank of Nile through the agriculture.The black land was named as the soil after getting rid of flood water used get black color containing the natural fertilizer.
On the other hand the red land was comparatively barren and hard for growing crops.As a result the civilization was sustained on the "Black Land" of the Nile.
Therefore, it can be said that the Black Land had a great contribute to the civilization of Ancient Egypt bu helping them to the agriculture and building the civilization.
The Himalayas and The Huang He River.
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