Possibly, it depends on the candidates and whether people like one person significantly more than the other candidate(s). As of now, there haven't even been 3 million votes yet, but it's possible
A. slavery or C working conditions of poor
Answer: ordinal scale
There are four levels of measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio. In ordinal measurement, the attributes can be rank-ordered, and attribute labels such as "Strongly Disagree" can be used, always keeping in mind that we can assure that “strongly agree” means the subject agrees more than those who “strongly disagree”, but we cannot quantify their satisfaction levels. The Likert scale is an ordinal scale because it doesn´t allow arithmetic operations.
Wind power allowed people to invest in their own power, building windmills for farms, and personal homes. And for some people, having a cleaner energy source that still produced large quantities of energy is looked up upon
such systems must correct an actual pattern of discrimination.