my joints worked together and my leg muscles helped me from falling over. when you sit or stand you use the muscles in your legs to push up off the chair or to sit back down
Spain and France were also among the strongest in Europe, with Portugal being a player early on because of their sea worthiness and exploration. I can’t recall of Portugal’s decline had already started by the beginning of the 17th Century, but it was getting close.
The correct answers are as followed:
1) Take out all the missile sites - This would allow the immediate threat of the medium range ballistic missiles in Cuba to be disabled.
2) Conduct a military invasion- The goal of this strategy was to take over the sites where Soviet weapons already existed in order to prevent them from becoming fully functional.
3) Run a blockade or quarantine - This blockade/quarantine would stop future Soviet missiles from entering Cuba. However, it was a temporary solution and would do nothing to the missiles already in Cuba.
Ultimately, President Kennedy goes with a quarantine of Cuba. He uses the word quarantine instead of blockade because the term blockade insinuates an act of war. Both the US and Soviet Union at this time were trying to prevent an all out war.
Carnegie was known to be the great business man but exploited the workforce severely that they died. He was also a hypocrite. He amassed huge wealth and was known to be a great philanthropist who gave away millions during his death for setting up of more than thousand public libraries.
He exploited workers and made them to work in the dangerous filled work environments without providing them the job security and many workers plunged into protest. He was so harsh that many workers were gunned down in his company Homestead steel works. He destroyed workers Union.
He practiced plutocracy and he never showed any concern to the laborers. He invested on steel and was result driven boss which made him aggressive towards the welfare of the workers.