A price floor set above the market equilibrium price has several side-effects. Consumers find they must now pay a higher price for the same product. As a result, they reduce their purchases or drop out of the market entirely. Meanwhile, suppliers find they are guaranteed a new, higher price than they were charging before.
With a final cavalry charge led by Confederate Colonel Jeb Stuart, the Union army was in full retreat. The Confederates had won the first major battle of the Civil War. The Confederates won the battle, but both sides suffered casualties.
<span>using you messages to blame the other person,
making fun of the other person's feelings,
always wanting your own way,
and yelling</span>
A) By its actions, the altruist increases the likelihood that some of its genes will be passed on to the next generation.
People who have altruistic behavior tend to be able to form strong personal relationship with other people and make them generally well-liked in a society.
Because of this, they tend to be surrounded by strong groups who are willing to help them in case they are facing any troubles and protect them from danger. This will increase their survivability along with the likelihood that some of its genes will be passed on to the next generation