<span>When you buy a product , you are loaning money to an organization</span>
They protect justices from political pressure.
The justices' main role is to evaluate laws and decide on cases between two or more parties according to the law. They hold hearings, discuss the cases and come to a conclusion. And in order to impartially carry this task, they are given lifetime appointments so that they do not feel pressured to gain people's vote when running for re-election and the pressure to determine cases based on what people would like. Instead, they are expected to decide cases objectively, according to the law.
<span>Robert Merton used the term dysfunctions for the harmful consequences of people's actions.
According to Merton, functions (people's actions_ in society can either be functional (positive) or dysfunctional (negative). Here, we are focusing on dysfunctions- harmful consequences of people's actions. Dysfunctions in turn can either be manifest (obvious and expected) or latent (hidden and unintended). A manifest (expected) dysfunction is rowdy behavior at a football game, whereas, a latent (hidden) dysfunction is the effect of urbanization on an endangered bird species.
The answer is "<span>Hostile/detached".
Of the two troubled couple composes, Hostile couples remained miserably wedded, while Hostile-Detached couples inevitably separated. Hostile-Detached couples resemble two armed forces occupied with a commonly disappointing and desolate standoff. They kill at each other amid struggle, despite the fact that the air is one of passionate separation and acquiescence.
corned beef is made from brisket, which comes from the lower chest of the cow; pastrami is either made from a cut called the deckle, a lean, wide, firm shoulder cut, or the navel, a smaller and juicier section right below the ribs