C. Gestalt therapy seeks to examine the whole individual and not just behaviors or thoughts.
Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy, sees the patient's existence as a whole. His therapy focuses on what is currently happening rather that past or childhood experiences. It also uses phenomenological approach since it deals with the perceptions of the patient and not by others.
Somebody who is charismatic and very social
The TCS food can be kept for seven days if it is stored at 41°F or lower. If the TCS food is not used within seven days it must be discarded. Remember, Day 1 is the day the product was made. Example: If a product was made on October 15, the use-by date would be October 21.
Pls give me brainest
Answer: C. Hereditary Disease
Essential fat is the amount of fat the human body must have in order to function properly.
For males, fat distribution is concentrated around the waist, while for females, the fat is distributed at the buttocks, thighs and breast areas.