Biofeedback promotes relaxation in order to treat health conditions. Biofeedback therapy trains patients to be calm and relaxed using some exercises that will help one's body to treat or relieve any pain. These exercises will help the patient to be more in control of their own functions.
When Jacob Riis wrote "kicks and cuffs are their daily diet. They have little else." he was referring to the lamentable daily hardship of the street children. In that scarce line, he painted the picture of how children in the other half live. Starved for more than just food but also from the simple bliss of being children. He brings to light the abuse that those children suffer daily, not just from other people but from their own family too.
Skinner box
Skinner box a laboratory apparatus in which an animal is caged for experiments in operant conditioning and which typically contains a lever that must be pressed by the animal to gain reward or avoid punishment. So looking at both critically, they are similar in the way they work.
Answer: A <u>disciplinary action</u> policy states that violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of employment or other discipline deemed appropriate by the company.
<u>The disciplinary policy's goal is ensuring that issues of misconduct are managed and dealt with in a fair and consistent manner. The Trust promotes high standards of behaviour and conduct for all employees and takes appropriate corrective action where those standards are not met.