I cannot see the passage.
<u>Writing style</u> refers to the way an author uses diction, <u>grammar structure</u>, language, and dialogue to present a story's purpose, theme, and ideas.
These elements help to establish the <u>author's voice</u> and particular <u>style</u>, whose features are identifiable for the audience.
Colmillo Blanco como el Collie.
Cuando White Fang sigue a Collie en lugar de ir con su maestro en su paseo, esto muestra que a Fang blanco le gusta el Collie, que es una perra. White Fang se sintió atraído por el Collie, lo que lo obligó a no ir con su maestro en su paseo y obligó a White Fang a seguir al Collie. La evidencia de este hecho es que al final, White Fang se convierte en padre y Collie se convierte en madre de muchos cachorros.
'Today was my first day at the Kellers estate. Already I have made great acquaintance with my new student Hellen. The pore soul, both blind, deaf, and mute, she has hardly anything to do but cause trouble and tie up her mother from her work. I feel that this is a great mission for me, for It will humble me and teach me patience as I sit in this locked room for which Hellen has confined me to. Also, I have found Hellens parents the most arguable. We had fallen under the subject of the great Civil War, and the idea of slavery. It horrifies me to know that the Kellers themselves have not only have followed to the trade of slavery, but owned a bunch slaves for their own estate. I do hope, that this topic does not come up again.'
It is loving, worried, and reassuring