I believe it’s the first, third and fourth ones. I might be wrong and I’m sorry if I am.
Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. Their walls are composed of three layers called the tunica intima, tunica media, and the tunica adventitia, which all have different cellular structures and compositions.
Similarly, organs are defined are being a collection of tissues, which are joined in a structural unit to serve a common function.An artery is made up of several types of tissues including: Elastic tissue - this evens out the pressure changes in the vessel when the heart ventricles contract, by stretching and recoiling ...
The correct answer will be option E.
The features given in the question are the characteristics features of the group of bacteria belonging to Cyanobacteria.
These Cyanobacteria are the prokaryotes which are capable of synthesizing the food through a process called photosynthesis. These bacteria use sunlight as their energy, use water and air to synthesize food. They under anaerobic condition synthesize the nitrogen in special structures called heterocyst, a characteristic feature of cyanobacteria.
Thus, the features given in the question are:
1. contain photosystems to carry out photosynthesis.
2. producing oxygen
4. contain phycobilins
6. Hetrocysts: nitrogen-fixing structures.
7. The ancestor of plant chloroplasts.
Thus, option E is the correct answer.
Principalele vase care intră în atriul drept sunt vena cavă superioară și vena cavă inferioară. Acestea sunt principalele vase care returnează sângele din circulația sistemică înapoi în inimă.
Breathing is the exchange of gases between animals & the environment.