The second amendment is the amendment that allows the people the right to own weaponry, it also is supposed to allow the people right to MILITARY GRADE weaponry.
This in turn allows the people in time of need, to rise up against a tyrannical government, or an invading enemy and fight back.
Have any options? Something you may find is a louder crowed in the democratic side of congress lol.
In logic, an entailment is the relationship between sentences whereby one sentence will be true if all the others are also true. Want a less-dry-sounding, real-life example? How about this: Being a good student, for instance, is an entailment of attending classes, learning the material, and keeping up with assignments. An old-fashioned definition of entailment is a set of limitations that restrict the ways property can be bequeathed to heirs.
A. Petrified
<span>Petrified wood (from the Greek root petro meaning "rock" or "stone"; literally "wood turned into stone") is the name given to a special type of fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation. ... A forest where such material has petrified becomes known as a petrified forest.</span>