During a windstorm, a large old tree fell in the forest. As it came down, it trapped a young sapling about 5 meters tall underneath it. The top of the
Auxin and gibberellin in the sapling's stem will cause a gravitropic response in the sapling, and its stop will grow upward even though it is held down.
On his visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin discovered several species of finches that varied from island to island, which helped him to develop his theory of natural selection.
Some man-made fibres, too, are derived from naturally occurring polymers. For instance, rayon and acetate, two of the first man-made fibres ever to be produced, are made of the same cellulose polymers that make up cotton, hemp, flax, and the structural fibres of wood.
A circle is to round as an oval is to elliptical/egglike.
Because they are non renewable sources of energy and they took billions of years to form.