Name: Put your name, teachers name, date, and Spheres of Earth Hands on Lab Report.
Objective: To demonstrate nature in a small environment.
Hypothesis: If I kept my terrariums in the dark, then the water level will stay the same.
Procedure: I got a container for my terrarium and put in things that would normally be on Earth like plants, rocks, and water. My terrarium was perfect and looked cool.
Day 1: 3 inches
Soil: present, mostly dry.
Day 2: 2.9 inches
Soil: present, moist
Day 3: 2.5 inches
Soil: present, wet
The water level was similar in both terrariums. Some of the water evaporated each day. There was water dropplets on the lids. The soil was getting wetter as more days passed due to humidity. My hypothesis was correct because less exposure to sunlight decreases evaporation. If I was to repeat the experiment, I would use a darker place and make my observations more accurate. In real life, in caves it is very dark so there is very little humidity.
Soil, water, plants, sunlight, and sediment.