Dogs are extremely “communicative” and use their body language and barking to express their feelings. Cats, on the other hand, usually hunt on their own, and do not need any company. Certainly they can live together, although they do not require to be with one another or with anyone else.
To establish setting and context
I actually read two of those books and it was the magician's nephew and the yearling. I liked the magician's nephew better than the yearling.
The poem is about the toilet humor, and the satire is seen on the upper-class woman in the dressing room with her constant efforts to make her beautiful.
She takes five hours to beautify herself. Ideally, this is satirical.
The iron is seen when a man visits a prostitute but fails to perform.
However, he supposedly questions Swift and says that Montagu's knowledge lies on prostitutes.
The poem, therefore, is generally ironical and malicious since it targets specific people within the setting.
Telling the truth about something doesn't always resolve the problem, but is a great moral lesson in how you should take responsibility for your actions. If you've done something where you are at fault, the reality of it is that you're obligated to take the responsibility instead of blaming it on something or someone else. However, because you're at fault, taking the responsibility could create a harsher environment for yourself. Getting yelled at, losing a job, not being able to do what you wanted to do. This is why telling the truth can become an internal conflict. If I tell the truth, I would be doing the right thing; but I would also be putting myself in a position I don't want to be in.
Think about this and reflect on your own experiences; where whenever you've told the truth, you negatively impacted something or someone. Write your own essay.