The Silk Road is a network of trade routes between China and lands but im not sure if its to lands to the West
Supply and Demand/ Monetary Value
This is a very simple question, but the person who created the question overcomplicated it for no reason. If there is high demand for something, people will be willing to pay more for it. For example, medicine is costly but due to companies knowing that people will pay whatever it takes to get that medicine.
Gold. Not as much demand as their used to be. But the supply is very limited. In short, because it is rare, it is valuable.
There is a reason we don't pay $100 for a leaf. Because they are everywhere and don't have any monetary value (there is no use for it)
Statuary Exclusion
Statutory exclusion stipulations maintain that legislatures determine when juveniles must be judged as adults by establishing regulations that automatically “transfer” power to the illegal court. Prosecutors preserve some authority, however, by determining charges to attempt; and for some situations, prosecutors inaugurate and direct grand tribunals that can make other arrangements.
Statutory exclusion requirements deviate from statutory mandatory reservations in that no juvenile court performance is expected before the prosecutor must replenish the qualifying in the criminal tribunal.
Every type of higher education institution asks you to provide basic personal information
Answer: Option C
Higher-Education establishments incorporate colleges and universities as well as different expert schools that give planning in such fields as law, religious philosophy, drug, business, music, and workmanship.
Advanced education likewise incorporates educators preparing schools, junior universities, and foundations of innovation all want people to fill their personal details. Not asking to bring recommendation letter, or any residency proof or to write one’s personal quote.