Changes that cannot be reversed are called irreversible changes
Example: if you cook an egg or if something goes bad. these changes can not be reversed.
becausae they are forshadowing on something that will happen later in the book most likely but i cant tell completely unless i have the excerpt
porque una persona con dos alelos normales presentará un fenotipo normal, mientras que si las dos copias del gen son el alelo mutado que producen una enfermedad, el fenotipo expresará los síntomas característicos de esa enfermedad.
The answer is Cutaneous Respiration. It is respiration through the surface of the skin. Cutaneous Respiration is used to supplement respiration alongside the use of their lungs. Cutaneous respiration<span> occurs primarily as a means of carbon dioxide exchange, with the majority of oxygen exchange occurring in the </span>lungs<span>. Frogs </span><span>take up most of their oxygen through </span>cutaneous respiration<span>, even if they possess </span>lungs<span>.</span>