6 divided by 4256 would result in the decimal 0.00140977443. You just need to do long division and remember to keep the decimal point in place so you don't make a careless mistake. Also you can "divide" by just simply leaving the division problem as a fraction like 6/4256. Hope this helps! Mark as brainliest!
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer:</h2><h2>what do u mean solve 22&23</h2>
What is the problem I can help but there is none.
Answer: 1/3 (x + 6)
Explanation: given f(x) = 3x - 6.
Let y = f(x) and so y = 3x - 6.
Trade places between x and y.
x = 3y - 6
Solve for y
x + 6 = 3y
y = x + 6/3
Now the new y is the inverse and so y = f-1(x)
f-1(x) = 1/3(x + 6)