Which of the following is an advantage of a condom as a method of birth control?
A.It helps prevent the spread of STIs.
The correct answer is- stage 6
There are 6 stages of moral development which are divided into three levels. The first level is the pre-conventional level, the second is a conventional level, and the third level is the post-conventional level.
In post-conventional level people thinks about laws that are unjust and make their own ethical laws and principle which can include basis right like right for life, liberty, justice.
In stage 6 people use universal ethical principle which is a nonaggression principle which tells that murder of any person, animal is very unethical. So here Ahmed is in the 6th stage of post-conventional level of moral development because he thinks killing of animals for fur is wrong.
Well people who has been smoking for a long time maybe 5min and people who did it for a short time them maybe like 2 hrs
the answer is option C) both A and B