<span>Britain heard that the colonists were going to rebel, Parliament sent redcoats to the colonies, Colonists were angry and an altercation broke out between colonists and the soldiers, Redcoats killed 5 colonists, colonists intensified boycotts, Parliament repealed Townshend Acts (excluding tax on tea)</span>
<u>The events that led to the Boston massacre</u> <em><u>were the same massacre that was due to the tension produced by the military occupation of Boston</u></em>, <u>when a group of soldiers began firing at a group of nobles who protested against the increase in rates by from England</u>.
<u>In between is the Boston tea party</u>. <u>Where the port of Boston had to be closed</u> <em><u>for weeks after the tea party</u></em>, <u>due to the bad smell that caused the large amount of tea poured into the port</u>.
<u>And it ended with the beginning of the war of independence of the USA of America</u>, <em><u>demanding the departure of British troops from the city</u></em>.