The Parting of Lot and Abraham is about their literal parting - Abraham took his family to Canaan, as God wanted him to, whereas Lot went to Sodom, and defied God's wishes. Now, having this in mind, maybe this mosaic does symbolize B. heaven, as Abraham and his family would go to heaven eventually, because they obeyed God's orders and wishes.
I am not sure if this is what you're asking for, but I'll give it a shot!
Graffiti is considered a subject matter, because it vandalized private property, and causes employees or other people to clean up after someone else's mess.
brushes $15
canvas $9.69
cups $13.49
pink acrylic paint $10.97
blue acrylic paint $10.79
yellow acrylic paint $13.19
black acrylic paint $14.99
water jug $24.97
white spray paint $9.65
paint top coat $30.47
Total =$153.21 (without tax)