In DSM-IV, personality disorders are being divided into three or namedly, into three clusters. They are cluster a, cluster b and cluster c. In the given question above, the cluster c disorders are about personality disorders in regards to being an obsessive compulsive, the feeling of being avoidant towards others and the feeling of being dependant. These characteristics are all about being anxious and fearful towards self, society and other factors that will trigger this characteristic.
They were controlled by them.
Hope this helps :D
3. The Supreme Court redefined what constitutes a handgun under the Second Amendment
When the Supreme Court enforced the decision in all states that individuals have the right to own a firearm at home for self-defense, the Supreme Court redefined what constitutes a weapon under the Second Amendment.
This is because it is the second amendment that establishes the citizen's directory and duty to provide their own security through firearms. In other words, according to any citizen amendment, regardless of gender or color, being of legal age and being psychologically healthy, you can have a firearm that guarantees your personal safety whenever necessary.
La importancia de los amigos es algo muy muy especial por que en algun punto de nuestras vidas los amigos son como familia, la amistad es algo increible y especial por que pasas increibles momentos y vives experiencias de vida con ellos, nuestros amigos son nuestro acompañantes que estan contigo por que quieren y no por que les toco como la familia de sangre
Aun que suene un poco feo los amigos tienen una funcion en nuestras vidas y son muchas como para acompañia tambien te pueden ayudar con algun favor o sacarte de algun problema, apoyo emocional tal vez ya grandes en algun negocio etc...
Con esta respuesta quiero dar un consejo y es que valoren a sus verdaderos amigos y que no los descuiden siempre tratar de mantener contacto con ellos y mucho mas despues del colegio y universidad.