Answer:Providing weapons and advice to help a country defeat a terrorist group is the answer.
one by one they ask and one by one they are misleaded
The classification and standards of companies are different from each other, and this also involves their standard expression on private and confidential terminologies, while some companies refers to their confidential terms as a document or information that can’t be accessed by the public, some companies uses that term to refer to a document or an information that can only be accessed by the top management team of the company.
narcotráfico, guerrilla y conflicto paramilitar, débil vigilancia y regulación de las instituciones, intimidación y hostigamiento de denunciantes, y una apatía generalizada de la sociedad para abordar los comportamientos poco éticos.
Drug trafficking, guerrilla and paramilitary conflict, weak surveillance and regulation from institutions, intimidation and harassment of whistle-blowers, and a widespread apathy from society to address unethical behavior.
These factores are: set point, life circumstances and intentional activity.
Which account for 50%, 10% and 40%, respectively, of the variability of happiness.
In the article called "Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change", Lyubomirsky et. al. (2005), propose a model for what they call chronic happiness. In this model they operationalize the concept of happiness in three measurable variables: set point, which are the genetic factors that influence a person's happiness, such as afective and personality traits. The authors found that this variable accounts for up to 50% of the entire construct.
The second variable is called life circumstances. These are the circumstantial factors that are relevant for a person's level of happines, they include demographic factors such as age, gender and ethnicity; and also life status, such as income and occupational status. The authors found that this variable accounts for only 10% of the construct.
The last variable is called intentional activity. It includes activities in which humans choose to engage in, in their everyday lives. For example, exercising, devoting time to helping others, etc. This variable accounts for 40% of the hapiness construct.