The grass that once covered the soil was uprooted and the soil was free to move around, and out of the ground. The crops would not grow, which led to starvation. The people weakened and could not work strong jobs, like mining the precious metals. Without the crops to feed people, the trade level went low, and so did the money. The military was not as strong as it used to be, creating a chink in Kush's armor. Another contributor of Kush's downfall was Egypt's decline. Egypt was Kush's main trading partner, and because of Egypt's fall, bronze was difficult to come across. Also, other valuable items such as cedar and acacia could not be found due to the decline in money and Kush's key products. The main reason for Kush's downfall was that they could not trade and the people starved.
A Scenario is a set of values that Excel saves and can substitute automatically on your worksheet. You can create and save different groups of values as scenarios and then switch between these scenarios to view the different results.
Aesthetics allow for children to be attracted, as they love colorful things.
It all depends on what type of person you are
I need to know a 2 things.
1.are you organized
2.It all depends on what the subject you are talking about.