Yes there is an equation that can change carbon dioxide to oxygen
Explanation ~ Mitosis creates two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus
“Mono” denotes one, “di” denotes two, and “poly” denotes a large number.
What is the significance of these words in defining the
three forms of sugars?
These terms are used because they depict how the
molecule appears.
The molecule's base unit is called a "saccharide."
B. 20%
The complementary base-pairing rule states that Adenine always pairs with Thymine (A with T), and Cytosine with Guanine (C with G).
Because of this, the amount of Adenine present must be the same as the amount of Thymine present, and the same for Cytosine and Guanine.
This means that if there is 30% Adenine, there is also 30% Thymine as each A base is paired to a T base. This adds to 60%, so Cytosine amounts and Guanine amounts must add to 40% to make 100%.
Since they are equal in amount, there must be 20% of each.
Therefore the answer is B. 20%
There is 30% Adenine, 30% Thymine, 20% Guanine and 20% Cytosine.
Hope this helped!
Answer is option D.
Flowers contain parts for making seeds.
The part of the plant that is responsible for the sexual reproduction in plants is known as flowers. A flower is said to be complete if contains sepals, petals, stamens and pistil. If the flower lacks one or more structures, it is an incomplete flower.
A complete flower consists of a vegetative part and a reproductive part. The vegetative part contains petals (a bright coloured structure that attracts insects and birds) and sepals (a green coloured structure that protects rising buds and is usually found beneath the petals). The reproductive parts include stamen or androecium (male reproductive organ) and pistil (female reproductive organ). A flower may consists of only female parts or only male parts, or both.
Stamen contains two parts - anther, which produce and store the pollens (male gametes) and filament, which support the anther. Pistil contains three parts - stigma, which receives the pollen grains and style that connects stigma and the ovary, and ovary which contains a lot of ovules (female gametes) which forms the seed.
Flowers reproduce by pollination, a process in which the pollen are transferred to the stigma of another flower. A pollen tube emerges from the pollen grain and grows through the style and reaches an ovule inside the ovary. Then the nucleus of the pollen grain passes through the pollen tube and fuses with the nucleus of the ovule and this process is known as fertilisation. The fertilised ovules become seeds and the ovary transforms into the fruit. The seeds are dispersed through various methods and the embryo inside them will grow into adult plants.