The most numerous cells in the lungs are dust cells, also known by their scientific term of alveolar marcrophages.
These cells are located in any person's lungs and are responsible for keeping your lungs and air pipes clean of any dust particles and other materials that may harm your body. Their role is to destroy any foreign substances, such as bacteria and others.
My answer would be 5-6 (very trustworthy).
The person or organization providing the information has the credentials and knowledge to speak on this topic because the web site is--the domain name ".org" tells that this site is run by a nonprofit organization.The writer maybe a staff member at the Discovery Institute.
As a result of photosynthesis oxygen and sugar
RICE is the staple of South Korean diet while CORN is a staple of the US diet.
These preferences for food in these two countries are influenced by historical and social factors.
Most of the food in South Korea are usually prepared from rice while in the US most of the staple food are prepared from corn.