The correct answer would be option D. When you are trying to decide between renting two apartments and you really prefer one over the other, but can't really say why, this is your emotional brain at work. If you can enumerate the reasons of which you should choose, then that would be the rational brain.
This is part of their <span>personal fable
</span><span>personal fable refers to the view where individuals believe that they're special.
Under certain doses, </span><span>personal fable could make individuals obtain positive outlook that would motivate them in their life.
But, if </span><span>personal fable is not balanced by real life perspective, it will make them unable to face personal failure that would definitely happen at some point in their life.</span>
- Allowed unless the state association has prohibited such equipment.
As per the question, the game officials are 'allowed to use the headset communication equipment' during a match until the use of such equipment is not restricted or prohibited by the state or sports association. In the given example, the game officials were witnessed using the equipment to communicate with each other as they were allowed to use it for important discussion or decision. However, if such equipment are being used after prohibition the officials may be subject penalty or other fatal consequences.