Answer:B, Embargo
Explanation: The United States embargo against Cuba prevents American businesses, and businesses with commercial activities in the United States, from conducting trade with Cuban interests.
30 storms, This is the most storms on record, surpassing the 28 from 2005, and the second-highest number of hurricanes on record.
Certain unalienable rights mean certain right can never be taken away.
Option D
Unalienable rights are the rights that are given to a person as a birthright. These rights cannot be denied by any means nor can the individual give them up by choice.
In the drafts of The Declaration of Independence, many drafts mention passages about how the 'Creator' has given undeniable rights to all individuals. One such right as mentioned in the drafts is 'the liberty to life and enjoying it'. The passage further explains that these rights cannot be given up by us nor denied to us as they are a part of us. They help in defining the person that we become through the course of our life.
By the end of the revolutionary war the new government was formed as a confederation of independent states which were loosely linked to one another.
While initially seen as a strength, things eventually became difficult to manage as many states started to print their own money, make their own international trade pacts and were even building their own independent military.
This was seen as a threat to a new nation and constitutional convention was conducted in Philadelphia. 12 out of the 13 States participated in this convention with the aim of providing some kind of a homogeneity to the new country.
By the end of the convention, the constitution gave way to 3 different branches of government which still form the core of the United States:
1. The Legislative Branch
2. The Executive Branch
3. The Judicial Branch
Answer: The answer is A
The reason that A is the answer is because if you were to find the answer by eliminating all of the other options, while answers D and B would make sense, A would be the most dangerous in this case.