This question refers to chapter 3 of <em>To Kill a Mockingbird.</em>
Scout was upset with Walter Cunningham for getting her in trouble with the teacher, so she rubbed his nose in the dirt. Jem intervened and invited Walter to lunch at the Finch house.
On the way there Scout noticed "Jem made pleasant conversation with him" and they talked about the Radleys, specifically Boo.
Jem said "I went all the way up to the house once" and Walter noted he "Almost died first year [he] come to school and eat them pecans".
Jem and Walter talked about the <u>Radleys</u>.
In the field of photography, there was a tough and controversial fight with regards to being considered as art form. Because of the diverse areas photography is used to and the variety of applications it derived into, it is made as a skeptical art medium. But, because of its diverse usage like scientific photography and commercial photography, mass distribution of modern cameras, digital cameras make it hard to be considered as an art form.Nowadays, photography rose to popularity and it is already considered as an art of like any other. Multiple museums and galleries showcasing photographic works are already built pushing it to fame, thus considered as modern art form.