Firstly they are not membranes and they are villi's which increase the surface area during digestion
<u>Condensation</u> is the next step in the water cycle that is most likely to happen next as water molecules evaporate from a lake near the equator and rise into the atmosphere, as shown in the diagram below. and as the molecules travel away from the equator.
As the warmer air mass rises into the upper atmosphere, at the equator, it begins to cool because temperatures drop with altitude. The relative humidity of the air mass increases until it reachesdew point. The water vapor begins to condense into water droplets.
This air mass begins moving towards the poles (away from the equator) bringing with it clouds (condensed water vapor) that precipitate later on. This air mass begins to sinks because it has become denser with a decrease in temperature. As it sinks it replaces the air mass moving to the equator. The air rushing to the equator is replacing the rising warm air mass at the equator. This cycle continues.
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NADP is the cofactors in photosynthesis which loses electrons,becomes reduced(NADPH) in photosynthesis. It transfer electrons in reduced form(NADPH) into the stroma of the chloroplast. The H is splits into e- and H+
These electrons for the ETC chains, generates the PMF for pumping H+ as protrons into the thylakoid intramembranes.
Outer membrane covers the intramembrane space, between these two membranes layers. The protons in the intramembrane space generate the electrochemical gradient for the supply of the energy used by ATPase synthase for ATP synthesis from phosphorylation with ADP.
The chloroplast is made up of both the outer and inner membrane,separated by the intramembrane space. The walls of the intramembrane space is guided by the outer envelope.
Therefore with the outer envelope removed, the intramembrane is exposed,more protons(H+) are released, but can not be held in the outer envelope to form electrochemical gradients,beacause the intramembrane space is now permable.
Thus the rate of reduction of DCPIP is faster.The color changes to colorless increases when reduced , from blue color.
Bursa - A small sac that lubricates the area around a joint where friction is most likely to occur
ex. elbow, knee, or shoulder
I hope that it is correct