First of all everyone should know this answer. But in case you don't know sometimes someone as in your classmate can be allergic to any sort of animal. Sometime it just depends on the kind of pet. If it was to be a dog then there are quite a few reasons. This question is fairly easy to answer.
Humans get through *obstacles with immense and intense determination. Of course, not all actually do this, some fail, but most use a strategy and are determined to do it.
The idea justice is blind is positive because it mean justice does not discriminate based on looks.
B Adults should follow the advice they give their children.
Claims and support are related because claims are statements that are made by authors in relation to some subject matter that are backed up by "support" or evidence. Therefore, based upon these options, "An author will use support to back up a claim." This claim and support are what authors use to create arguments in writing to make a point and to express a perspective on a particular issue.